You are Visitor No:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Ref. No- AINVSA/ 2013/0030                                                  Date- 16/02/2013

The Commissioner
NVS, B-15, Institutions Area,
Sector- 62, Noida, UP

Sub:  Request for inclusion of Service Association Members in J.C.M and
          Committees- reg

Hon’ble  Sir,
                  In pursuance of the Meeting held by Addl.  Secretary (S.E) MHRD with Commissioner, NVS and JAC Members, on 9 & 11 Feb, 2013, the All India Navodaya Vidyalaya Association A.I.N.V.S.A (C.E.C) implores and humbly draws your kind attention to the following points:
1.     A.I.N.V.S.A is a biggest registered association, under Society Registration Act, Registration No: K 492/94. Kindly, favor us by granting Recognition at the earliest and apprising us of the necessary documentation thereof.

2.     The Service Associations   hopes the Committee to be formed for defining working hours, as envisaged by the Minutes of the aforesaid Meeting, has members of the Service Associations and not any Principal or teacher selected arbitrarily. The members of this Committee should be selected with consultation of AINVSA (TPMani), NVSEWA, AINVC&MWA & AIJNVPF especially for the selection of the 08 teachers and 04 Principals therein.

3.        In 2006 and 2007 AINVSA submitted near about 8000 duly filled in Membership Forms  to the NVS Headquarter. The verification process was also completed from almost all  JNVs, but it is regretted and sad to say  that AINVSA has not been granted Recognition so far, even  after a passage of almost 5-6 years after the Verification process.

4.       The directions of the Addl. Secretary (S.E) MHRD be followed in true letter and spirit, of evolving a mechanism to address the Representatives demands in a timely manner. In this connection, it is suggested  and  requested to arrange all the modalities of  the formation of J.C.M ( Joint Consultative Machinery) at the earliest, after granting Recognition to AINVSA to this effect, in line with the mechanisms  in other Central govt. and Autonomous departments,   as makers of  ‘policy making decisions’.

This mechanism (J.C.M) would expedite in resolving the service matters problems amicably and subsequently enhance the academic output of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, as an educational institution. Wherein the teaching fraternity would work in a congenial and healthy atmosphere, thinking only of the students results; building up a family atmosphere in the Vidyalaya.  For this act of kindness we shall forever be obliged…

Hoping for a favorable response and necessary action in this regard.

Thanking you

                                                                 Yours Faithfully
                                                                                     T.P. Mani,
                                                                      National President,AINVSA,
                                           JNV Kottarakkara, ETC PO. Kollam, Kerala-691531.
                                          Phone: 09447332341 ,04742455034

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