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Saturday, August 10, 2013


                                                        A MESSAGE
                                           BY AINVSA TO  NVS Authorities

Management is the art and science of “getting things done through people” and communications is the “essence of it”.
Communication helps any organization, for it
·         Leads to better interpersonal skills;
·         Helps reduce organizational conflicts;
·         Assists in networking with other people;
·         Helps in collaborating with others; and
·         Creates a better spirit of cooperation within the organization.

There are in fact four main different channels within an organization:
1.       Downward Communication
2.       Upward Communication
3.       Horrizontal or lateral communication
4.       Diagonal or cross-wise communication

AINVSA Suggests NVS to have Vertical type of Communication, where the flow is both upward and downward in movement. This ensures a healthy state of flow of information and fosters a give and take relationship within  the organization or institution.

If the employees get the feeling that they are actively  participating in the decision-making process, they will usually perform better at their jobs. While most of the communication at the JNVs sees to be downward, it is essential to  have upward communication also, which will lead to the creation of a motivated  workforce.

Dan O’ Hair ,  “ Decisions made by groups are of higher quality than decisions made by individuals working alone”. Rightly, in today’s business climate of “ open door policy” subordinates are even encouraged to participate in decision-making or paricipative management, in the interest of the organisation  or institution.

Suggestions were not taken by AINVSA during the framing of Transfer Policy. Suggestions were invited ,if any, from only the Principals of the JNVs, who  were not  and are not  the  true spokes man of the teaching and non teaching staff in letter and spirit. Hence, Transfer Policy should be revised   and reconsidered on the basis of suggestions given by AINVSA

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