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Saturday, September 1, 2012

J.A.C- (Round 2)

The JAC meeting of All Service Associations of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti , is convened on 19/08/2012((Sunday) at Radha Krishna mandir, Amar colony, New Delhi, for reviewing and formulating the activities of  JAC.
The following attended the meeting:
1. Sri L.B.Reddy                                                              17.Sri.M.K.Sharma
2. Sri J.K. Singh                                                               18.Smt.Sunita Bhatt                                              
3. Sri A K Gaur                                                                19.Sri R.S.Tomar
4. Sri N.K.Pahwa                                                              20.Sri D.K.Rastogi                                                   
5. Sri Raj Kumar Radii                                                     21.Sri Arjun Gite
6. Sri M S yadav                                                               22.Sri Y.K.Sharma
7. Sri Tilak Singh                                                             23.Sri Sanjeet Kumar Singh
8. Sri V. L. Bala Subramaniam                                        24.Sri D.K.Dhamija                      
9. Sri R.S. Naik                                                                25.Sri Anurag Vats
10. Sri Vijay Kumar                                                         26.Sri Bahadur Singh                                                  
11. Sri Pankaj Kumar                                                       27.Sri Anup Singh
12. Sri P.K. Gupta                                                            28.Sri Ajay Kumar
13. Sri Krishna Kumar                                                     29.Sri Anil Sharma
14. Sri S.Bhaskara Rao                                                    30.Sri Rajkumar       
15. Sri  Sukhvir Singh                                                      31.Sri S K Choudhary                                          
16. Sri Gajendra Yadav                                                    32.Sri N.B Tripathi      

At the outset Sri J.K.Singh , General Secretary ,AINVSA , welcomed the gathering. He has enumerated the purpose of convening the meeting in a detailed manner. He informed that the meeting was organized in consultation with all the  Member Associations of NVS, for discussing at length the ongoing activities and action plan to be worked out in regard to the burning issues of the employees of the Samiti.
Sri L.B.Reddy,General Secretary, AINVSA,felt that we have to build up pressure on the NVS administration for solving the day to day problems faced by the employees in a sustained manner and to solve the burning problems like CCS pension and 10%special allowance to non-teaching staff in a right spirit. He further stated that unless we are united in our approach to the problems, we are not sure of succeeding in our efforts.
Sri Raj Kumar Radi,General secretary,NVSEWA,also expressed his views for the strengthening of the struggle for achieving the CCS pension and 10%special allowance to non-teaching staff.
Sri V.Bala Subramanian , President of the Principals forum ,expressed his solidarity with other Associations of the Samiti,in the fight for the achievement of legitimate demands of the staff.
Sri. Vijay Kumar,President,Catering assistants and Mess Workers Association has opined that the only way to finding solution to our genuine demands CCS pension 10%special allowance to non-teaching staff is to wage relentless fight with the administration and to put up an united stand.
Sri N.K.Pawa , expressed his solidarity with the fighting staff of Navaodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.
The following representatives of respective Association, have also spoke on the occasion for the united approach to the problems of the staff.
1.Sri Pankaj Kumar                                                        
2.Sri N.Bhaskar Rao                                                    
3.Sri Gajendra Yadav                                                    
4.Sri Yogendra Kumar Sharma                                   
5.Sri P.K.Gupta                                                            
6.Sri Krishna Kumar                                                    
7.Sri A.K.Gaur
8.Sri R.S.Naik
9.Sri.Tilak Singh        

The following resolutions are unanimously adopted at the meeting:
I. The steering committee at the national level with the president and general secretary of all the five staff   
      Associations is constituted as follows..

   1.Sri Jagdish Rai ,president ,AINVSA                     2.Sri L.B.Reddy,General  Secretary,AINVSA
   3.Sri A.K.Gaur, Working President , AINVSA      4.Sri J.K.Singh, General  Secretary,AINVSA    
   5.Sri Anil Sharma, President, NVSEWA                 6.Sri Raj Kumar Radi , General Secretary, NVSEWA 
   7.Sri Vijay Kumar,President, CAMWA                  8.Sri Pankaj Kumar,General Secretary,  CAMWA   
   9.Sri V.S.Bala Subramanian, PF               10.Sri R.S. Naik General Secretary, PF

II. The above committee is authorized to formulate the charter of demands of the staff of NVS, submit to the   
     Competent Authorities and to deliberate on the same.

III. The charter of demands of the staff will be submitted to the NVS in the first week of September 2012.
IV. To prepare the staff of NVS for direct action in the month of October 2012, in the event of non-solution to
       our legitimate demands,The exact date will be intimated in due course  of time.

V. The National Council of JAC will be formed with 40 members, duly providing equal representation of 8     
        members each for the 5 Asscociations@one member from each region representing each Association.

VI. Shri.L.B.Reddy, Shri Raj Kumar Raddi and Shri. J.K.Singh will make all the correspondence jointly.
With best wishes,
   1.Sri Jagdish Rai                                                              2.Sri L.B.Reddy
   3. Sri A.K.Gaur                                                                                                4.Sri J.K.Singh
   5 Sri Anil Sharma                                                                            6.Sri Raj Kumar Radi
   7.Sri Vijay Kumar                                                                           8.Sri Pankaj Kumar
   9.Sri V.S.Bala Subramanian                                                       10.Sri R.S. Naik


Anonymous said...

All the ministries/department have grand adhoc promotion of their LDCs and UDCs of Rs.2400 and 4200. on the Non fuctional selection grade to the LDC and UDC then why the our union demand for the Non functional selection grade to the Department/Ministries for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya LDCs and UDCs. Therefore union leaders are requested to demand the NFSG grade to LDC and UDC.

Unknown said...