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Friday, March 13, 2015


HOW CAN NVS RESOLVE THE MATTER OF DISPUTE TO GIVE RECOGNITION TO AINVSA How can NVS snatch the registration of one Association and give Recognition to another. The AINVSA is a brand name and the members know that they are the members of AINVSA, but how its to be decided that who is the bearer of this Association. Of course who holds the Registration Certificate of the AINVSA Registration Number,already registered by Shri TP Mani., and shown to the Hon. Commissioner personally in front of all CEC delegates of the Association. If the association formed under its banner have confidence over their majority then why does nt it get registered under a different name taking its members. That means it’s the brand name of AINVSA that matters to the members and not the office holders. NVS can resolve this issue by giving recognition to AINVSA and then decide the Office bearers. Or it can stop giving recognition unless the matter of dispute resolved. Presently NVS suggests both the groups to go and knock the doors of the Court, which would unnecessarily dilly dally the Recognition process. Ultimately the office bearers claiming to the owners of the Association are the employees of NVS, HENCE NVS SHOULD INTERVENE AND GUIDE THEM AND NOT SUGGEST THEM TO APPROACH ANY EXTERNAL AGENCY FOR THE SAME. If any employee resorts to any illegitimate means and forms any Association then NVS ought to intervene , ask the original Registration copy, bye laws etc SOLUTION 1: NVS SHOULD GIVE RECOGNITION TO AINVSA( THE ASSOCIATION BODY) AND NOT TO ANY OFFICE BEARERS ( ITS EXECUTIVE MEMBERS) The office bearers should be nominated and voting done, a fair election to be held under the supervision of NVS, OTHERWISE THIS MATTER IS NEVER GOING TO BE RESOLVED IN AGES TO COME. The JNV employees vote the SEC office bearers of the States. The SEC office bearers then vote the CEC Members at the National level. The C.E.C office bearers so elected at the National level, then elect the Gen.Sec and President at the National level…. SOLUTION 2: SECOND OPTION TO NVS NVS Should give recognition to all associations as per the requisite Percentage of Members required under RSA ( Recognition of Service Association ) Norms, provided it has a different name. No two associations can have the common name, for its against the TRADE MARK ACT., and against Society Registration Act to do so. If any employee does so , NVS ought to guide and admonish them not to resort to any illegal means to get Recognition, but take a different name and claim their Majority. - SUGGESTION OF LAY PERSONS OF NVS

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